Right now, YOU unwrap the gifts!
“He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?” Romans 8:32
Imagine waking up on Christmas morning and seeing a pile of presents under the tree, but never opening them. Imagine that your friends and family spent a lot of money on you, buying you things you need and desire but could never afford. Imagine that you even know what was inside those packages, but just decided to let them sit under the tree day in and day out, year after year. After all, now you have what you’ve always dreamed of. You own whatever is in those boxes. If anyone asked, you’d say, “Yes, I have that.” But it wouldn’t do you any good because you would never be able to use those gifts unless you took the time to unwrap those packages. It’s the same way with God. He wants you to have an abundant life. His gifts are all right there for you wrapped up in the Word of God. You “open” His gift by meditating on His Word, obeying His commands, and declaring it out of your mouth. Today, I encourage you to unwrap your gifts! Don’t let a single present sit “under the tree” any longer. Jesus paid a precious price so you could have both eternal life and abundant life. Unwrap your gifts and live in His fullness today!
The above paragraph was given to me by a co-worker a couple of years ago at Christmas. How true it is! There is a gift that so many of you have not opened, and it is here for you now - His name is Jesus, and He wants you to experience Heaven’s very best - Himself! Right now is the time to receive the greatest gift offered to this planet - receive Jesus and experience freedom like never before! He’s waiting for you!
Then there are some who are feeling so “unworthy” right now, who have felt that your life has been one mistake after another, and one disaster after another - and your past continues to “haunt” you everyday. I have exciting news for you… yes YOU! Your past is just that - it’s the past - today is called the “present,” and it needs to be “unwrapped” and to be discovered, your future depends on it! Right now allow the One who created you to become the Master of your life, and experience the life that you were designed to have! Oh, He’s waiting for you!
Believer, there are other gifts that He has given you, which have not yet been explored in your life. They have been lying dormant, and year after year they remain unopened, and all of Heaven is waiting, anticipating you… yes you, to open what Heaven has manufactured! Another year is coming to a close, what will you… yes you, do with these precious gifts that need to be opened - (Oh come on people!) Right now, He’s waiting for You!